Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wii-hab therapy for people recovering from brain injury -

A professor of adaptive physical education at Skyline College in San Bruno, CA, explains how he uses Wii activities to help clients who continue to struggle with physical and cognitive issues long after the initial brain injury. Chip Chapman describes his work with individuals who may have had extensive therapy in a medical setting earlier, but are seeking help for residual disability in an adaptive physical educational setting now. Professor Chapman speaks about the importance of repetition and consistency with this population. The value of using Wii activities with individuals who have cognitive and physical deficits from brain injury has been documented in the literature. In October of 2008 an article was published in Physical Therapy by J. Deutsch et al which highlighted the value of incorporating Wii activities into a rehab program for an adolescent with cerebral palsy. The child participated in activity for 60 - 90 minutes during 11 different sessions.
Wii brings fun into the rehabilitation process. Fun and engaging activities help make the repetitive work of rehab more enjoyable.

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