Saturday, July 18, 2009

Using Nintendo Wii in Therapy: Benefits Seen Over Time

WiiHab - Rehabilitative Therapy Using the Wii by the "Wii OT” has been up and running for over a year now. Thank you for all of your visits and emails. So many people have responded to my blog. Not only have other occupational and physical therapists and students sent emails and responses but also family members whose loved ones are recovering from TBI, stroke or joint replacement and are benefiting from using Nintendo Wii have contacted me from time to time. And these responses have come from many states like Pennsylvania and Georgia and from countries far and near to the USA like England, Sweden and Canada. The use of Nintendo Wii as a therapeutic tool continues to spread, while therapists, researchers, and patients alike continue to recognize the advantages of including this tool in plans of care.
Just the other day, another article appeared in print and online about the benefits of using Nintendo Wii to help people recover from injury, illness and surgery. This article highlights 2 important points. First, mention is made that Wii offers an opportunity for socialization, helping reduce feelings of isolation. Second, this overview states that using the Wii is fun. Bringing fun into therapy helps patients who are dealing with a changing health status to reduce feelings of anxiety. Learning to use adaptive devices or learning to do familiar things in new ways is easier when feelings of isolation and anxiety are reduced. Reducing feelings of isolation and anxiety is such an important part of therapy.
So again, thank you for your support. Post your experiences in the comments section for all to see.


Rehabilitative and Physical Therapies said...

Wow WII is Great

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