(More on sensory processing disorder…)
School-based therapists recognize the entwined nature of the sensorimotor performance components and program plan accordingly. The Wii provides another tool for the therapists, allowing them to challenge and grade movement through space as well as encourage targeted actions. Are any readers using the Wii in your setting?
Therapists must also identify issues in other performance areas such as cognitive and psycho-social. Manifestations of problems within the cognition and psycho-social arenas will be discussed in future posts.
Please post your experiences under the comment section because in sharing your experience, you help increase everyone’s knowledge base.
· The Sensory Processing
· Kranowitz, CS., Miller, LJ. (2005). The Out-of-Sync Child.
· Bhojne,U, Chitnis, A. (2002). VESTIBULAR DYSFUNCTION IN CHILDREN WITH PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDER. The Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy. XXXIV(1).3-6. Retrieved from http://medind.nic.in/iba/t02/i1/ibat02i1p3.pdf